Are we in the Middle of a Collapse? What can we Learn from the Late Bronze Age Collapse
Hellenic League: an example for NATO?
What can we see from the Late Bronze Age Collapse…
Debt & Bondage: The Socioeconomic Relations of the State and Its People
The Effects of Suicide Throughout the Years
The Impact of International Trade on the Bronze Age Greek and Modern North American Economies
Nationalism and pride in identity? The Ancient Greeks knew a thing or two about that!
Lessons from the Greek’s demokratia; giving back the power to the people, but this time to everyone.
Trump and Tyrants
Is There Anything as Too Much Family?
The Battle of Thermopylae: A Sacrifice for the Greater Good
Is the Military the Bane of all Economies?
Democracy, In Dire Need of Fixing
Ancient Greek Architecture: An Influence You Never Paid Attention To
Economic Exploitation and GDP in Ancient Greece and Modern USA
The role of extra-governmental institutions in creating and maintaining peace.
The Plague of Athens and COVID-19 - How the Spread of Disease Can Impact Societies