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Students from the University of Toronto Scarborough have invested their time and energy studying myths from ancient Greece and Rome over the last several months. This website collects and shares their final projects.

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So, they have been reading myths and thinking about context this term. They have been asked to engage with one modern remaking of mythological content in contemporary fiction, specifically the world of Rick Riordan's Percy Jackson. What's next? To don the mantle of Demodcus, Phemius, Odysseus, and Rick Riorden, of course! They have written their own myths. But this mission is not a free-for-all. Beware the following parameters are in force:

The Your Living Myth submissions  comprises 2 parts:

Students were asked to first compose a myth to account for a phenomenon or institution among the four listed below using material (figures, motifs, events, themes, etc.) from Classical myth in much the same way as Rick Riordan did with his Percy Jackson novels. Second, they had need to analyze their own myth and explain the relevance and logic of their choices and composition.

The four options for your aetiological myth are the following:

  1. Global warming

  2. Sexual orientation

  3. Racial difference

  4. Dis-information and the post-truth era

Remember that an aetiological myth accounts for a phenomenon or institution (AKA gives its origins).

The idea is to manifest the forces of innovation and tradition in myth, and continue to make myth relevant today.


About: Text


James Barton Steel

TEDx Talks


At a time when most people cannot name an Ancient Greek or Roman story, much less understand their relevance, James explores the continuing impact that Ancient Greek and Roman stories still have on our lives, whether we realise it or not.

About: Welcome
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