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Reason behind Global Warming: Zeus's Shame


In the wake of the modern age the technology that man had created fueled the creation of empires of man that have reached the zenith of their power and influence over the world. With the gift of fire that was given to them by Prometheus burning so bright now from Olympus their fame can be seen through night which enraged Zeus his stolen fire light the world. However, man’s great triumph had led to resentment within the great empire eventually leading to world war the central eagle empire going against the Nemean lion alliance. As war consumed the world Zeus saw this as an opportunity to intervene and show his greatness over mortals, and so he assists the eagle empire as he saw the nation as a tribute to him.

Even with the help of Zeus the war still raged between the empires as their battle raged across entire continents with the land marked by the mighty guns that roared from both sides. On the battle field Zeus’s presence can be seen through his mighty thunder bolts that would cause havoc for the allies as Zeus thunderbolts reined, he was prideful that his bolts would be brighter than any of man’s fire. Zeus pride however was never quenched because of his rage because of man’s ability to withstand his thunderbolts. It was because the war got the attention potter who would assist the Nemean lion alliance on where Zeus would strike and they would prepare counter measures. The name of the potter who would assist the alliance was the Titan Prometheus as he was saddened by seeing his children take on a god because of the gift he gave them, he also took special interest of the alliance as he saw the great heroes within them through their lion that was slain by Heracles and Prometheus owed him for free him of his bonds. Through Prometheus assistance the alliance was able to push back against the eagle empire and eventually win the war through the technology they advanced through their gift of fire. their victory enraged Zeus as he immediately wished to find a way to destroy the world of men as punishment for his shame.

So, Zeus called upon Poseidon and Helios for in his rage he called upon them for assistance in trying to destroy the world of men. It is through his humiliation by man through the advancement of their gift of fire that he wished to use their full power to destroy them as he believed alone humans would survive a natural destruction that he would bring upon them unlike mankind’s bronze race. With the patience he had grown through seething rage every night of watching man’s fie through the night, he would use the Olympians powers to destroy man slowly instead of a great show of force. Instead, he would have the sea of Poseidon grow bigger, the sun of Helios to grow hotter and the Storms of Zeus be greater every year until it destroys the world of men.


The characterization of Zeus in this myth is based upon the pride that he has to himself and the rage he has when things don’t go his way. This is highlighted through core conflict behind Zeus and mortals through the advancement of technology symbolized by mans utilization of fire. The role that fire plays in the story is it what symbolizes Zeus defeats through him loosing the fire, this is in reference to the time Prometheus stole fire from Zeus and gifted it to humans “He hid fire; but that the noble son of Iapetos stole again for men from Zeus the counsellor in a hollow fennel-stalk, so that Zeus who delights in thunder did not see it” (Hesiod work and days 65-70). The motivation behind Zeus desire and plan to destroy the world of men because of the consequences of the war and to use tactics that took more time than one mighty disaster. This type of plan from Zeus can be backed up by the ancient sources through the times in which Zeus planned to destroy the world through Pandora because creating her was to bring about the end of mankind “Forthwith he made an evil thing for men as the price of fire” (Hesiod theogony 560). With bringing about the end of man through Pandora having the jar that would contain the evils for man, “But the women took the lid off the big jar with her hands and scattered all the miseries that spell the sorrow for man” (Hesiod Work and days 115). In the case of Pandora, it is clear when Zeus is wronged by Mortals, he does not have a problem in coming up with plans to destroy him. Other references to the ancient sources that can be seen in the Characterization of Zeus in this myth in regard to his pride is reason he decides to assist the eagle empire because of it being a reference to him. In the ancient sources the eagle is one of the animals that is sacred and represented Zeus through eagles being used by Zeus in mythology and have become associated with him, as in the case of the myth of Zeus and Ganymedes “Because of his beauty, Zeus kidnapped Ganymedes by means of an eagle, and set him as cupbearer in the sky"(Pseudo-Apollodorus, Bibliotheca 3. 141). This case being one of many examples in the ancient sources of the associations between eagles and Zeus, which explains why he helped the eagle empire as the eagle was a reference to him.

The role Zeus plays as the villain of the story is in reference to the petty side of Zeus where he wants to destroy man because they tarnished his pride and in doing that acting as act of defiance. A particular reference to deifying Zeus in this story that is from the ancient sources can be seen in the multiple attempts that were made to create mankind. The third one in particular highlights the history in which Zeus has destroyed man kind and illustrated it was because of his pride, with the third attempt to create humanity being the Bronze race of mankind, which were a warlike generation born after the virtuous Silver and Gold races who was destroyed by great Deluge by Zeus because he was angered by their impiety (Schol. ad Pind. Ol. ix. 64). The rage of impiety being an example of Zeus pride making him destructive because of the lack of praise, it the myth the story of the Bronze race is mentioned in the story with Zeus highlighting that he cannot destroy mankind in the modern age through the methods he used against the Bronze people because he believes they will survive a natural disaster like a Deluge.

The part of that Prometheus plays in the story are references to the roles that the titan played in Greek mythology in particular his role in the shaping and assisting of humanity. It is the story gives reference to the fact that Prometheus was the one who created man. This is because in the ancient sources Prometheus and his brother Epimetheus were well known for molding man out of clay “Prometheus, son of Iapetus, first fashioned men from clay “(Pseudo-Hyginus, Fabulae 142), with him becoming very attached because they were his creations fearing for their safety because of their vulnerability. In Prometheus legend there are many accounts of him helping humans with the ways he was able to do this was through deceiving Zeus. In the story Prometheus is able to successfully trick Zeus, this is in reference to the times he successfully deceived Zeus and not being punished for it like he is more widely known. As in the case of the time when Prometheus stole fire and gave it to man. With the assistance Prometheus gives to humans during the war being the cases where Zeus did not see it. However, the method in which he assists Humans in this myth is in reference to a particular way in which Prometheus was able to help humans, in regards to sacrifice. It is because one of the ways in which Prometheus was able to trick Zeus in benefit to humans was when he made two offerings to Zeus as for what man should sacrifice, “For Zeus he set out flesh and innards rich with fat laid out in oxhide and covered with its paunch. But for the others he set out white bones artfully dressed out and covered in shinny fat” (Hesiod theogony 540-544). Zeus ends up picking the shiny fat and bone offering believing that it was more valuable. The modern myth highlights the ancient myth through Prometheus deceiving Zeus into targeting positions that were not as important as other by making them seem to be high priority and more attractive, just has he did to Zeus for man’s offering.

The name of the alliance that Prometheus helps of the Nemean lion alliance is a refrences to the ancient sources of the twelve (ten in reality) labours of Heracles with name of the alliance being the same as the Nemean lion Heracles had to slay. The Nemean lion both represents Heracles in this myth and the ancient sources through both being one of his great labors and of Heracles personally as he took wore the lions hide as armor “May his body's frame be no less hardy than this wild creature's skin that rides upon my [Herakles'] shoulder now--the beast I slew long since, first of my labors, in Nemea” (Pindar, Isthmian Ode 6. 46). The references of Heracles and the Nemean lion is important to the motivation behind Prometheus assistance against Zeus in particular with him believing that he needs to play back Heracles by helping out his descends. This is because the assistance that Heracles gave to Prometheus is a references to the ancient sources because it was Heracles who was the hero who freed him from his bonds by destroying the chains that bound him and killed the giant eagle Aetos Kaukasios that would come to eat Prometheus liver every day, “That bird Herakles (Heracles), the valiant son of shapely-ankled Alkmene (Alcmena), slew; and delivered the son of Iapetos from the cruel plague, and released him from his affliction”(Hesiod, Theogony 528-529).

Finally, the role that Poseidon and Helios play in this myth is to use their powers of being the god of the sea and of the sun to destroy the world by them unleashing more of their power. The ancient sources show that both the god and the titan are willing to spike humans who have angered them like Zeus through Helios "When Arge, a huntress, was pursuing a stag, she is said to have told it : ‘Though you equal the speed of the Sun (Sol) [Helios], yet I will catch up with you.’ Sol [Helios], in anger, changed her into a doe"(Pseudo-Hyginus, Fabulae 205). It is also in the ancient sources that Zeus and Helios are willing to work together like in this myth with Helios going to Zeus for help after Odyssius had slaughtered his sacred cattle “Helios angrily complained to Zeus. So when the ship but to sea, Zeus hit it with a thunderbolt” (Pseudo-Apollodorus, Bibliotheca E7. 22- 23). Poseidon also is similar with his desire to spite mortals with the famous example being his hatred towards Odysseus in the Odyssey with him trying to hinder Odysseus through is journey home after the death of the cyclops “Poseidon, the earth-enfolder, who is ever filled with stubborn wrath because of the Cyclops, whom Odysseus blinded of his eye”(Homer Odyssey 67-69).

In the ancient sources it is shown that both deities were known to work with Zeus or share similar characteristics to work together and it is possible by the ancient sources for Zeus to call them for aid in destroying the world. In doing so having each god represent a major impact on the world global warming provides, with Poseidon representing the rising sea levels that come from global warming. While for Helios for he being the god of the sun he can make the sun shine brighter and hotter representing the rising global temperatures through the loss of the ozone layer representing Helios using his powers to make the sun hotter. It is also through this lens of the two gods assist Zeus in destroying mankind that Zeus represents the consequences of the two formers actions because with rising temperature and sea levels the severity of storms of Hurricanes become greater every year.


Hesiod work and days. 65-70

Hesiod work and days. 115

Hesiod theogony 560

Pseudo-Apollodorus, Bibliotheca 3. 141

Pindar, Isthmian Ode 6. 46

Schol. ad Pind. Ol. ix. 64

Pseudo-Hyginus, Fabulae 142

Pseudo-Hyginus, Fabulae 205

Hesiod theogony 540-544

Pindar, Isthmian Ode 6. 46

Hesiod, Theogony. 528-529

Pseudo-Apollodorus, Bibliotheca E7. 22- 23

Homer Odyssey book 1. 67-69


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