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The Myth behind Global Warming


“Why is the weather always so bipolar? It's hot for a week then a random snowy day.”

“The people and big companies are to blame for this mess. The burning of carbons such as coal, gas and oil are being released into the atmosphere. The gas makes the atmosphere ticker and increases the temperature of earth. The more carbons that are being burnt the hotter the earth will be.” said the scientist.

Global warming is one of the major problems talked about in today's society. Scientists have been researching and experimenting for years trying to explain and figure out why Global warming was happening. They discovered that the energy from the sun had been hitting earth at an increasing rate. Scientists stated that “The energy from the sun is being trapped into the atmosphere as the layer of gas (ozone layer) that surrounds the earth has been greatly affected. It is causing the energy to be trapped and not radiated back into outer space.”

The scientists even believe that because of the increased carbon dioxide being released, the glaciers and the polar ice sheets are all melting. As a cause to this many animals are dying. They also believe that it is causing droughts, stronger hurricanes and a shift in the ocean and wind patterns. “The Earth will soon be inhabitable if we continue to destroy Earth at this rate!” The scientist shouted.

The full truth has not been discovered about global warming scientists continue to research and experiment the threats caused by global warming to preserve humanity and prolong the inevitable extinction of humanity in the future.

The Golden Age was a time when mankind lived with the gods and goddesses on earth. Golden as it was a time of no unhappiness and labour. No one worked and they had never experienced anguish. It was the age of blessings, good fortune. Then came the time when the Titans were overthrown by Zeus.

Following the Golden Age is the Silver Age. Zeus had made man inferior to gods and made the mortals worship them. 4 seasons had been created as well as day and night. This forced man to work; farming, shelter, food etc. Zeus would annihilate anyone who didn’t honour or worship the gods.

The Bronze Age followed the Silver age. As man was slowly not worshipping the gods Zeus decided to be harsher. Man had started to survive on meat. Man was destroyed in the days of Prometheus’ sons Deucalion and Pyrrha. The men grew up with violence with war and weapons.

The Bronze age ended and followed the Age of Heros. Weaponry and war had become reality and heros were made. Heroes were born to protect their rights, land and families. Qualities such as strength, bravery, sacrifice were all created. There was also 2 paths for humanity after death; The Underworld and The Island of Blessed Ones

The last one was the Iron Age. Man was born selfish and evil. Sorrow and prudence were burdened onto the mortals. The gods had abandoned earth and left man to themselves.

Increased CO2 emissions isn’t the real reason that the earth is dying but rather the Gaea, (The goddess who is Earth itself) is trying to restore itself to peace by ending man. The only way man can reverse this is to try and undo all the bad they have done and to end this greed which has overtaken the world and try and not make Gaea angry before she destroys humanity.

Analysis of The Myth behind Global Warming

The Myth Behind Global Warming is a myth created by Basil Lakhi. The author presents a new/mythologized view to global warming. The story is about two people talking, one who is just a normal man and the other a scientist. The story starts off with the man being curious about global warming. The scientists then goes on to describe what global warming is and how it is caused. The man goes on about how too much carbon was being burnt and due to that the earth was getting hotter. He explained how the carbon dioxide was getting stuck in the atmosphere and the increase in carbon dioxide was making it harder for the energy from the sun to be radiated back off into space. The energy from the sun was being trapped into the Earth's atmosphere thus causing global warming. He goes on about the other effects of global warming such as glaciers melting, polar ice caps melting, stronger hurricanes and change in wind and ocean patterns. Then the story goes on and talks about the Five Ages of Man.

Continue summary

In my Myth on Global Warming one of the topics discussed was the five ages of man or Hesiod's Five Ages of Man. The passage by Hesiod portrays the continuous degeneration of man. Man had gone from happy and innocent to evil excluding the Heroes. Hesiod would combine the mythic and realistic together which is similar to what was done in this project. Global warming was a problem that is faced in reality just like sorrow and greed which were some things discussed in Hesiod's Five Ages of Man. Hesiod had written about problems faced by the people and mythologized it. An example would be when Hesiod talks about how Zeus had made man Evil and Selfish. In today's society many people are to be thought as selfish as there aren’t many selfless people. People are greedy and money is running the world. Whereas when it comes to Global warming, man is also the cause of that. In the story it was stated that CO2 would be coming to destroy earth. Listed in order from least recent to the most recent; The Golden Age, The Silver Age, The Bronze Age, The Age of Heros and finally the Iron Age which is also the current Age. “The five ages of man is a Greek creation story that traces the lineage of mankind through five successive "ages" or "races" The Golden Age was the mythical first period of man.”(cite 1.) The five ages are important as they explained the evolution of life style for man. The people of the Golden Age were formed by or for the Titan Cronus, whom the Romans called Saturn.” (cite 1.) The Golden Age was added


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